Friday, January 7, 2011

Meeting Minutes 1-7-11

Instructional Technology Committee Meeting Minutes

January 7, 2011

Attending: Shane Tilton, Kellie Demmler, Da Zhang, Alan Middleton, Christine Wolfe and Deb Smith

11:00 am. Br 302

Deb Smith called the meeting to order

The group discussed the results of a meeting with Deb Smith, Dr. Paul Abraham and Paul Allen that took place late December, 2010. The meeting was requested by Deb after the last committee meeting when several points of information were identified of interest to the committee. Please see the attached report of that meeting that was sent by email to the committee in late December.

After discussion by the committee, the following was decided by the committee:

1. Deb Smith will write a proposal to administration requesting funds for a student worker to support and maintain a BlackBoard site that will be designed by the committee to achieve the following goals:

a. Contain educational videos regarding technology for use by faculty

b. Serve as a repository for best practices and demonstration projects regarding technology use in the classroom

c. Introduce new technologies and pedagogical rationales for the use of technology in the classroom

d. Serve as a repository for forms, procedural documents, inventories and other assets useful to faculty using technology in the classroom

e. Announce technology changes, additions, new equipment, etc. on campus

f. Serve as a common exchange for information between other regional campuses regarding technology, pedagogy, and procedures that would benefit all regional faculty.

Since the website is in flux, the committee agreed to use BlackBoard as the means of communication at this time. If a webpage becomes available on the site, we could use it in addition or instead. Shane Tilton offered a wiki solution that the committee agreed could be embedded on the BlackBoard site to engender creativity in communication and information exchange.

The committee was asked to consider 2 or 3 items that they felt should be priorities for the committee in improving technology integration and usefulness to faculty. The committee will discuss and consider the lists at the next meeting and generate a plan for the remainder of the academic year.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted – Deb Smith

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